Supercharged servers with great features
Professionalize your business with its own physical hardware and choose from a variety of supercharged dedicated servers

Powerful CPUs
In order to guarantee best performance and stability, only hardware components that have passed our maximum load tests will be offered to you. Choose a processor that best meets your performance needs.
Reliable local disks
We offer you the option to upgrade or downgrade the hard drives in your dedicated server whether you have a need for SSD speed or demands for massive local disk space.
Premium RAM space
More RAM space essentially enhances the storage capacity of systems, which improves their memories and may even boost performance and operation speed. Choose between servers with 32GB, 64GB, 128GB or 256GB RAM space to satisfy you needs.
Redundant power supplies
Your business critical systems require utmost redundancy. All of our servers are equipped with redundant power supplies in the event of a hardware failure or a power supply issue.
Tier-1 network
Premium network features include 20TB/month outbound public bandwidth, unlimited inbound public bandwidth, unlimited private network bandwidth ,1 Gbps public and private network ports, private VLAN via public & private network as well as dual-Stack IPv4 and IPv6 capable.
Fast deployment
We know you are excited to start experimenting with your new servers and we share that excitement! Experience our streamlined installation and provisioning deploying your Windows, Linux, or BSD dedicated server in hours! Sign up, pay, and get started right now!
DDoS protection
DDoS attacks are constantly on the rise, so DDoS protection for your servers is now a necessity. Protect yourself from malicious DDoS attacks with a server from us. Our network provides built-in DDoS Mitigation so you can be 100% confident that your servers will be safe and protected.